Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Time to Give...

Recently, I have been feeling a bit selfish with my knitting. It is all about me and what I want. Rarely have I used it to give to others. So I guess my reaction to a recent email I received is rather surprising. TKGA sent out a message about an opportunity to help complete afghan blocks for Warm-up America. When I saw the email, something tugged at my heart strings, and I couldn't pass up the chance to contribute to making our world a better place. It turns out the Lands End is donating cones of their Feel Good Yarn to the cause, with the understanding that each person who takes a cone will agree to to knit/crochet 51 blocks by mid-December. I hope I didn't bite off more than I can chew, but I said would take 2 cones...or 102 blocks. I am sure that I can find friends and neighbors to help, and what we will be doing will make two people's holiday seasons a little brighter. By the way, 49 7 by 9 blocks make one adult size afghan. In my excitement, I ran to Walmart the other day, and with the help of my daughter, who is 3, picked out 3 skeins of Red Heart so that I could get started. She picked blinding orange, mind-numbing pink, and shatter glass blue. Hopefully bright colors are okay. Since then, I have managed to crochet 10 squares.

In other news, I think that I have decided to put aside my TKGA certification for now. As a mom of two young children, I find that I have very little crafting time, and it was taking the joy out of knitting for me, when it was the only thing I was able to do. My time will come, but that time is not now.

Current projects include:
Bitterroot Shawl (the small size) for my Brother-in-law's wedding
YARN: Blue Moon Fiber Arts Woobu in Beryl
Needles: Knit Picks Nickle Plated US 6

Autumn on Shady Lane
YARN: Ella Rae Lace Merino
Needles: Addi Turbo US 6

Knitmore Girls Vanilla Sock (hereafter referred at Tonks.) These are a quest to knit socks representing characters, items and events in Harry Potter.
YARN: JitterBug
Needles: Knit Picks 2.25mm US 2

Warm-up America Afghan
YARN: Red Heart
Hook: Provo Craft Size G
10 down!!!

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